High Care Area
High Care Area established (Oct 2014): Strict hygiene, tests, zoning, air filtration, metal detectors, special materials for production.
High Care Area established (Oct 2014): Strict hygiene, tests, zoning, air filtration, metal detectors, special materials for production.
High Care area has been established at AIP Denmark in October 2014.
Special requirements for High Care Area-program:
Metal detectors are installed at all bottomers in the industrial dept. Metal is a critical control point and checked daily.
High care area is a totally separated and isolated production area with strict cleaning procedures and safety measurements to avoid any contamination.
Routines for food safety and hygienic standards (Good Manufacturing Practice):
HC Production complies with the following Codes & Regulations:
The sacks meet the requirements for products in the following industries:
The DOC (Document of Compliance) can be provided to the customers informing the content of the sack and that the production plant comply with the EU Legislation.
Additional documentation (e.g. Risk Analysis for Food safety/Food Defense analysis/ Food Fraud analysis and others) can be provided on request.
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