High Care Area

High Care Area established (Oct 2014): Strict hygiene, tests, zoning, air filtration, metal detectors, special materials for production.


High Care area has been established at AIP Denmark in October 2014.
Special requirements for High Care Area-program:

  • Extra change of clothes
  • Zoning
  • High demands for personal hygiene – hygiene awareness
  • Routines for bacterial tests
  • Extended cleaning routines
  • Air filtration
  • Metal detector for production lines
  • Special demands to raw materials and arrangement of production.

Enhanced Safety Measures

Metal detectors are installed at all bottomers in the industrial dept. Metal is a critical control point and checked daily.

High care area is a totally separated and isolated production area with strict cleaning procedures and safety measurements to avoid any contamination.

Food Safety and Hygiene Routines

Routines for food safety and hygienic standards (Good Manufacturing Practice):

  • Extensive bacteriological control program are in place covering raw materials like glue, foil and paper
  • Air is controlled using High class filtering for process air (H13 Class)
  • Sample bacteria testing for yeast and bacteria
  • The factory is isolated from the rest of the plant with sluices for both personnel and materials
  • Test programs covers detection of: Salmonella / E. sakazakii (opportunistic pathogen for premature infants up to 6 months) / Enterobacteriaceae /Sulphite reducing clostridia.


HC Production complies with the following Codes & Regulations:

  • FAO/WHO code of hygienic practice for powdered formulas for infants & young children. CAC/RCP 66-2008.
  • EU regulation 10/2011.
  • Nestle guidance note on Packaging inks.
  • Swiss Ordinance of the FDHA on Materials and Articles. 817.023.21 A-listed. Free from organic amine stabilizers, VOC, Mineral oils and Fanal pigments.

Meeting Industry Standards

The sacks meet the requirements for products in the following industries:

  • Clinical nutrition / Infant formula
  • Dry blend infant formula – meaning no heat treatment after entering products.
  • Sacks are only produced using virgin materials.


The DOC (Document of Compliance) can be provided to the customers informing the content of the sack and that the production plant comply with the EU Legislation.

Additional documentation (e.g. Risk Analysis for Food safety/Food Defense analysis/ Food Fraud analysis and others) can be provided on request.

Can be used in sacks: